
Frequently Asked Questions

Here at AAA Lawn Care we know that some may have never had professional lawn care services come to their homes. The whole process can seem pretty unknown Cost, results, and just what each AAA Lawn Care service entails might be a lot to take in, and you may have some questions.

How do I pay?

You have 2 options for paying for your service. You can take advantage of the discount for prepayment, or you can make a payment from the invoice that is left at your door after each application.

How do I know you were here and an application was applied?

Each time we complete an application, you will see a flag placed along your driveway and an advisory handout bag on your door.  Also, an email will be sent containing your invoice and any notes from your technician. 

What happens if it rains after an application?

Rain is a benefit to the fertilizer application. However, the effectiveness of weed control after a rain event depends on several factors…how long it rained, the amount of rain, and how long after the application it started raining. If you have weeds that don’t die due to rain or for any reason, please call our office, and we will send your technician out to reapply your weed control at no cost. That is the benefit of our service. It’s guaranteed!

How long does an application take?

The time required to apply our fertilizer and weed control really depends on the size of your lawn and the amount of weeds you have. Typically, your technician will take a lot less time than you would take to cover the same area. This is because our spreaders cover a much wider path than common spreaders sold in hardware stores and garden centers. Also, our weed control equipment is designed to spray at high rates and cover more area which requires our technicians to walk at an increased pace.

When will my first application take place?

Our Spring applications typically get started when the snow melts. The goal is to have these applications completed by May 10. Your application will be scheduled to occur at approximately the same time as our other customers in your area. If you are worried about crabgrass, have no fear, the product we use for crabgrass prevention will work if applied at any time within the Spring application schedule described above. If there is a history of crabgrass problems on your lawn, we will apply 2 applications of crabgrass pre-emergent.

How does your service call policy work?

If you have a problem, just give us a call and your technician will be out within 2-3 days. We will return at no charge within 30 days of your last application.

How long does it take for the weed control to work?

Weeds typically start wilting within 7-10 days after your application. After that time, if you don’t see any activity, please give us a call and your technician will be out within 2-3 days.

What is your yearly service policy?

We will return every year to care for your lawn unless you decide to discontinue service. There is no contract to sign. We will send out 2 reminders that we are still planning on caring for your lawn from year to year. The 1st reminder is a prepay discount offer that is mailed in mid-January to existing customers. The 2nd is a reminder postcard that is sent the first week in March.

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